Tasty Baked Honeycrisp Apples

I love the smell of baked apples in the oven once the seasons change and fall is in the air.  One of my favorite apples is the Honeycrisp apple and it's great for baking.  My Tasty Baked Honeycrisp Apples dish tastes as good as it smells.  I use an apple corer to split the whole fruit into smaller pieces and leave on the skin.  I use a muffin tin lined with foil to create individual servings.  Once I mix up the topping and spoon it on top they are ready to hit the oven.  Be sure to let them cool for 10 minutes before serving and removing them from the pan.  Top with ice cream or whipped cream.  Happy Cooking!
Servings: 6 yield(s)
Cook Time: 45 mins
  • 4 whole Honeycrisp apples
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar
  • 4 tbsp butter
  • 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  1. Preheat oven to 375*. In a mixing bowl add the flour, cut-up butter, brown sugar, oats, cinnamon and nutmeg. Using a pastry cutter mix together all ingredients creating small butter pieces in the bowl. Add chocolate chips and mix well.
  2. Squeeze juice of two lemons into a small bowl. Using an apple corer, core 4 apples or cut into thick chunks. Carefully remove apple slices from corer watching the sharp blade. Dip each apple slice into the lemon juice.
  3. Cut aluminum foil into 6 x 6 inch squares. Line each individual muffin tin with an aluminum foil square and use your thumbs to press it into tin. Spray each foil tin with cooking spray. Place 3 apple slices standing upwards into each individual foil lined muffin tin. Top each apple with dry ingredients using a large spoon. Fold aluminum foil around the apples to create a pouch and then cover the whole pan with foil.
  4. Bake in oven for 30 minutes. Remove foil from pan and continue baking for 15-20 minutes, until lightly browned. Let cool for 10 minutes before removing foil pouches from pan and serving. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.